What To Expect
An Introduction
When you enter the main door expect to see a big smile and friendly greeters. They are there to answer any questions and point you to important destinations like kid’s classes and bathrooms.
Worship Music
We begin our weekly gathering with songs, old and new. While we love hymns, we also provide a blend of newer worship styles and sounds. Our focus is not the type of music nor the person leading it. Our focus is upon God. The songs are inspired by His Word and intend to prepare people for an encounter with The Almighty.
The Transition
Believing the best way to encourage genuine worship is by example we welcome all children into the sanctuary during the singing portion of our morning service. We then transition to age appropriate bible teaching. Younger children divided into classrooms, high school students and adults remaining in the sanctuary.
The Sermon
The Word of God is the necessary focal point of each service. We believe it pertains to all things regarding life and godliness. Our messages are characterized as exegetical, teaching the bible word for word and verse by verse. There was nothing dry or boring about the life of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We preach the bible with the same passion and enthusiasm which empowered His ministry on earth.
Kids Ministry
While the adults are soaking in genuine corporate experiences, the kids themselves are immersed into the world of biblical wonder. Much of our Sunday morning material for children is sourced from Answers in Genesis. This engaging curriculum is designed to be fun, interactive, age appropriate, and most importantly biblically accurate.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Should I Wear?
You’ll find most all styles welcome here. Some wear jackets and ties, others feel more comfortable in jeans. Trendy or dapper, choose what you like. The focus is on God, not appearances.
What Bible Translation Do You Use?
Using the bible is more important than defending a translation. You will find an array of translations accompany a variety of people in our pews. Pastor Brandon preaches from NKJV and others teach from the ESV.
What Is Free Will Baptist?
This is our most frequently asked question. As the name implies, we belong to the broader Protestant evangelical movement which emphasizes baptism by immersion. We hold the Bible as the inspired and inerrant Word of God. It forms the foundation of all our faith and practice. We also believe that God desires salvation for all mankind and sent Jesus to die for everyone. All men are not saved, however. Many refuse to accept Christ’s sacrifice. It is that freedom of choice, granted by God, which is the defining characteristic of being Free Will.
How Do I Become a Member?
Membership Classes are available to anyone who considers joining. We want to ensure all prospective members understand our doctrine and the expectations of Christian service. Plus, it gives us a chance to know who you are and how God is moving in your life.
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